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Inside Super Tuesday

Last updated on August 19, 2020

(Photo Credit: Justin Merriman)

Remember, let’s be polite; let’s be respectful, but most of all, let’s be outspoken.

Today, March 3rd, 2020 is Super Tuesday. 14 essential states are up for grabs for the five candidates left in the race. Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders, Billionaire Micheal Bloomberg, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Representative Tulsi Gabbard. However, this race comes down to Biden and Sanders.

First of all, Bloomberg should drop out and support Biden. If Bloomberg intends to beat Trump, he should invest his fortune in Biden’s campaign and endorse him. If Warren were to drop out, she would most likely endorse Senator Sanders due to their relationship and how close their policies align.

As for Tulsi, I do not understand why she is still in this race since she had not been on the Democratic debate stage for months, gained a single delegate, or achieved anything with her campaign. She should drop out and endorse one of the major candidates to save money and time.

Despite doing well in the polls and delegate count, people like Mayor Buttigieg and Senator Klobuchar have done better than Bloomberg, Warren, and Gabbard. This is why it is imperative these three need to drop so they do not split the vote and further divide the party.

My projection is Biden will win Super Tuesday. Bernie Sanders will come in a close second. He might gain the advantage later in the polls, but with Washington Democrats on his side, Biden can hold out. Bloomberg, Warren, and Gabbard will all be demolished. Bloomberg’s 500 million dollars in ad spending will go to waste once he loses in the majority of the states.

At the time of this article publishing, Biden has won North Caroline, Virginia, and Alabama. He is leading in Maine, Oklahoma, Tennesee, and Arkansas. Sanders has won Vermont and Colorado. He is leading in Massachusetts and Texas. He is projected to win a bevy of states and is already gaining an advantage on Sanders in the delegate count in the early stages. Granted this will turn around once Texas and California finish polling since Sanders is projected to win there.

Unity, electability, and perseverance are the three major factors voters should consider when casting their ballot.

Remember, let’s be polite; let’s be respectful, but most of all, let’s be outspoken.

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